This paragraph illustrates the context of courses and research topics conducted by the laboratory. The courses include digital image processing and spatial data. The research topics include several development of classifiers, feature extraction and selection, image restoration, fusion at feature level, score level, and decision level, content-based image retrieval system, data mining, and on the use of several application such as remote sensing images, biomedical images, cultural heritage images and documents, etc.



Indonesian Batik Motif Recognition based on Keypoint Clustering in Hough Space

Remote Sensing

Land-Cover Classification of Fused Remote Sensing Images

Cow Pictures

Segmentation of Cow Body from Pictures for Race Identification and E-Livestock

Muzzle Pattern

Cow Identification and Biometric using Muzzle Pattern


Feature Extraction and Recognition of Abstractionism and Realism Style of Indonesian Paintings and Digital Painting Artist Identification Using Color and Texture Feature

Old Documents

Image Restoration and Character Recognition from Scanned Old Documents